Monday, September 19, 2011


Okay, so I am a fan of the Basketball Wives shows, and currently I've been watching the 1st season of Basketball Wives LA.  On Ep. 2, the ladies go to see Imani Showalter's, life coach, Akema Johnson-Day.  Ironically, or maybe not, the topic of their discussion was Passion.  Akema said something that really hit home for me, and is something that I have been saying since I've been on this quest to find my purpose.  Her exact words were, "when you follow your passion, you discover your purpose, and success is sure to follow."

I couldn't agree more, and I know this to be true.  However, some people might ask, "what if you don't know what you're passionate about" or "what if you're passionate about many things, where do you start?"

I say, keep it simple.

I love to write, so whenever I get ideas about anything, I write them down.  Usually, my brainstorms or idea clouds include a mini-plan of how I think I can reach this goal, or how it can be obtained. Usually I do some research to support my ideas and I may or may not pursue it right then.  What determines if I do pursue them at the time or not, are timing and resources.

I ask myself, "do I have the time to put into this project," or "do I have enough money to get started," or "do I have the necessary tools, products, or equipment that I need?" 

But my first step is to always WRITE IT DOWN.  When you write things down, you can get all of your thoughts out on paper, so you can better evaluate the situation or idea, and return to it later for further review. 

To see how to organize your ideas, please read Discovering Your Purpose: Narrowing Down Your Options.

How To Determine What You Are Passionate About?

Basically, being passionate about something, means that it is of great importance to you.  It could be what get's you up in the morning, what calms you down, what gives you peace, what makes you smile, or even what makes you cry.  It could come from a strong interest in something or someone.  It also could be something that you love to do. 

Ask yourself these questions:

If you had 1 million dollars, what would you do with it?

If money nor time was not a factor, what would you be doing right now?

What makes you feel important?

What makes you happy? Smile?  Laugh?

What gives you hope?

If you could change anything about the world, what would it be?

If money, education or skills was not a factor, and you could do anything, what would you be doing right now?

If you honestly answer these questions, you will probably find that you would have answered some, if not all, of them with some of the same answers.  Those repetitive responses, are more than likely what you are passionate about.

Next, take the necessary steps to follow your passion.  Research, research, research.  Find out everything that you can about what you desire to do, and start making moves toward them.

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