Saturday, September 3, 2011

Discovering Your Purpose: Narrowing Down Your Options

The first step to narrowing down your options of things that you want to do or can do, is to make a list.  Write down everything you've ever wanted to do, still want to do, everything you've done and maybe enjoyed doing, and what you're good at.  This is the brainstorming session.  I start with the things I love to do, then add things that I might have never done but want to do, then add the things that I know that I am good at doing.

After I've gotten it all down on paper, then I prioritize my list into what can be done in a few days to a few years or more.

The things that can be done sooner, I make a plan to get them done.  

For example:  I am planning to get my Real Estate License this year.  First, I have to take the class, which only takes about 2 months to complete.  Then, I have to take the state board exam, get my fingerprints and background check completed, and everything else that that involves; all things that I can accomplish by December of this year.  I have registered for the class, and I will take the exam upon completion.

The plan is to make your list, put in the order of what is most important or desirous to you, then put in order of what can be done the quickest or easiest, research and make a list of what each goal entails, and work your plan.  

You may end up finding your purpose with the first try, or it may take you trying a few things before you discover what you're supposed to be doing.  But it can't hurt.  You're doing things that you want to do, or enjoy doing, or are good at doing and maybe learning some new talents along the way.

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